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A multi-variated analysis software borned in the spot of marketting.

It's also a general-purpose analysis tool.
Starting convenience tool for marketting with a certain intention. Concretely convenience for deep analysing individual situations of each sample. And good output for a presentation.
The software is created by such demands.

It has twenty four models and some methods in each model which is plentiful in guessing.
And has some functions which are rarely among general tools. For examples, an identification of divergence rate due to significance of the Maharanobis distance, a range predicted due to significance, expression vectors of variables into a projection plane with factors mapping.

Try to use it at first please.

psiStatsPro, Multivariated Analysis Software
last updated on 7th January 2024 since 1st April 2004
Download ver.0.93.03 for Windows x86 -- it may be worked on Windows XP, 7, 8.x, 10 (32 bits)
Download ver.0.93.03 for Windows x64 -- it may be worked on Windows XP, 7, 8.x, 10 (64 bits)
1. Usage Summary
2. Analysis Models and Methods
chapter1: Read Data File
1-1. Sample Data Files
1-2. Open File
1-3. Exclude Variables
chapter2: Preference
2-1. Data File
2-2. String Length
2-3. Graph
chapter3: Save Analysis Results
3-1. Screen
3-2. CSV File
3-3. Predict


Read data and Analyse, Save results expressed.

A data file format is the CSV file or the Excel file producted by Microsoft Corp. Previously, the file format should be selected in the Preference dialog box.
Case of an Excel file which could be used DDE only. ODBC was made not to be used for the current version. Besides DDE is not so good as usability, a CSV file is suggested to use as the data file.
It's easy to exclude variables due to select names of variables. It's also easy to bring back.

In Preference (Option/Preference), string lengths which are digits both variables and samples and graph expression could be set up.
String lengthes are set due to number of charactors, which would apply to expressions of name and numeral both of variables and samples. The decimal points would be optimized automatically. Of course it does not effect to accuracy of calculation but express only. However, significant values are not limited.
A graph could be set to express or not. In case of expression, scatter numbering and variables vector sizing could be set on the mappings of Principal Component and Principal Factor, Maximum Likelihood.

It has two screens as upper and lower. An upper screen is expressed contents of data file, a lower screen is expressed results of analysis. Contents of expression could be saved due to menu "File / lower Screen / Save As", and could be edited on the screens.
It's recommended to save as a CSV file, cause the output format is adjusted to express on a spread sheet except partial exception.

I feel it's not much to explain. It's easy to use the software with enough knowledge about the models.

It has five sorts and twenty-four analysis models, and enough methods and options, as follows.

Type Model Method, Option
Common Analysis Fundamental Statistics Covariance Matrix, Correlation Coefficients Matrix, Speaman's Ranking Coefficients, Kendall's Ranking Coefficients
Multiple Regression Analysis All Selection, Step Wise(Forward Regression, Forward Selection, Backward Regression, Backward Selection) due to AIC/F-Value, Effective Coverage
Principal Component Analysis Component Number, Minimum Eigen Value, Correlation Base Matrix, Covariance Base Matrix
Canonical Correlation Analysis
Principal Factor Analysis Factor Number, Standardize, SMC, Repetition, Rotation(Oblique/Orthogonal) due to Criterion(Covarimin/Biquartimin/Quartimin, Varimax/Biquartimax/Quartimax)
Maximum Likelihood Analysis Factor Number, Standardize, SMC, Repetition, Rotation(Oblique/Orthogonal) due to Criterion(Covarimin/Biquartimin/Quartimin, Varimax/Biquartimax/Quartimax)
Discriminant Analysis Tset Box M, alpha for Canon, F-in Forward Selection, F-in Value, F-in Probability
Cluster Analysis Division(Sample/Variable), Distance(Mahalanobis/standardized/RawData), Criterion(Nearest Neighbor/Furtherest Neighbor/Median Method/Group Average/Centroid Method/Ward's Method)
Quantification Analysis Association Measures Analysis Data Scale(Order Scale/Nominal Scale)
Quantification-1 Analysis
Quantification-2 Analysis
Quantification-3 Analysis Source Data Type(Variable/Cross), Expected Factor Number
Three-Way Log linear Analysis Source Data Type(Variable/Cross), 1st and 2nd Model test u-term effect, Number of Category A, B, C
Similarity Data Analysis Quantification-4 Analysis
Principal Co-ordinates Analysis Number of Dimention
Non-Linear Analysis Multiple Logistic Model Divisional Value, Maximum Iteration
Exponential Weibull Model Divisional Value, Maximum Iteration
Propotional Hazard Model Divisional Value, Maximum Iteration
Non-Linear Regression Analysis Convert Degrees of Polynomial Terms Degrees, All Selection, Step Wise(Forward Regression, Forward Selection, Backward Regression, Backward Selection) due to AIC/F-Value, Effective Coverage
Involution Curve Regression Model All Selection, Step Wise(Forward Regression, Forward Selection, Backward Regression, Backward Selection) due to AIC/F-Value, Effective Coverage
Exponential Curve Regression Model All Selection, Step Wise(Forward Regression, Forward Selection, Backward Regression, Backward Selection) due to AIC/F-Value, Effective Coverage
Inverse Curve Regression Model All Selection, Step Wise(Forward Regression, Forward Selection, Backward Regression, Backward Selection) due to AIC/F-Value, Effective Coverage
Logistic Curve 1 Regression Model All Selection, Step Wise(Forward Regression, Forward Selection, Backward Regression, Backward Selection) due to AIC/F-Value, Effective Coverage
Logistic Curve 2 Regression Model All Selection, Step Wise(Forward Regression, Forward Selection, Backward Regression, Backward Selection) due to AIC/F-Value, Effective Coverage

chapter1: Read Data File

There are sample data files formated CSV in a folder named "sample" under the install folder.

Those sample data files prepared are appropriated to analysis models. It could be found what sort data due to filename which is abbriviated though. Only few sample data files are prepared for some analysis models which handle same data format. Please select a proper data file for each model

Data/Open File

As previously stated, a data file format would be selected as a CSV file or an Excel file in Preference dialog box.

In case of a CSV file, the data could be read due to just open the file.

In case of an Excel file, the file should be already opened by Microsoft Excel. After that, the data could be read due to open the file by the software.
It doesn't a matter to close Microsoft Excel after the data read.

A data will be expressed in the upper screen due to open a file.

If you do open another data file you should close the data file already opened. Screens would be cleared due to close the data file.


Certain variables could be excluded for analysis from the data already read due to select variables names. It's also easy to bring back the variables due to unselect in the same dialog box.

Please use this function for cases of errors as singular matrix or eigen not convergent and so on.

chapter 2: Preference

Option/Preference/Data File

Selects a data file format to open a CSV file or an Excel file.

In case of an Excel file, it uses DDE only. ODBC could not be used for current version.
Before opening the Excel file, the file should be opened by Microsoft Excel. After reading the data it doesn't a matter to close Microsoft Excel.

Option/Preference/String Length

Specifies string lengthes both variables and samples for expression in screens.

This length would be applied to not only names but also numerals.
In case for numerals, the length will be their digits. Their decimal places would be optimized automatically.
Of course that never effect the accuracy of calculation. Insistently for expression in screen only.

Always excepting significant values.


Set graph to express or not.

In case of expression the graph, scatter numbering and variables vector sizing could be set on mappings of Principal Component and Principal Factor, Maximum Likelihood.

chapter 3: Save Analysis Results

File/upperScreen/, File/lowerScreen/

Express in screens both upper and lower due to Rich Text Format.
It's able to exchange font and set up page, edit, save and so on, just like a simple editor.

Output results are made to be legible due to same width fonts.

File/lowerScreen/Save As

Although in case of save the results, the software tries to save as Rich Text Format which extention is ".rtf" at first, it's better to save as CSV which extention is ".csv".

A form of output results is supposed to be treated by a spread sheet.
In the time, I will fix it to be ".csv" as default.


As for some models, the menu "Predict" would be enabled after analysing.

Results of prediction will be output and be added to bottom line of lower screen. It's able to be saved as results combined.

As a matter it's better to calculate on a spread sheet after saving results at once in case of lots of predictions.

please post any impressions you may have

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