data: c:\Documents\PsiStatsPro\data\s23_h.quantification3 date: Thu 24 Mar 2005 03:05:54 excluded variables as follows: - none ---- quantification-3, canonical correlation analysis statistics due to categorical Data number of categories: 27 weight coefficient matrix of row-variable row \ factor , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1.Y1-stature category - 1, 1.000000, -2.465771, -1.453028, 0.006380, -0.855371 category - 2, 1.000000, 0.790638, 2.219971, 3.808330, 0.677045 category - 3, 1.000000, 1.570437, -0.719009, -3.576290, 0.167181 2.Y2-weight category - 1, 1.000000, -2.756173, -1.141465, 0.100678, -1.048541 category - 2, 1.000000, 1.032749, 0.772067, 1.980943, 0.525052 category - 3, 1.000000, 1.227142, -0.410061, -5.427938, 0.114422 3.Y3-chest category - 1, 1.000000, -2.839416, -1.055020, 0.104442, -2.093537 category - 2, 1.000000, 0.810288, -0.324772, 0.990542, 3.133036 category - 3, 1.000000, 1.353887, 1.650436, -1.920437, -3.650362 4.Y4-hip category - 1, 1.000000, -2.521511, -1.105466, -0.216597, -1.133713 category - 2, 1.000000, 0.897314, 1.815137, 4.084651, -0.307088 category - 3, 1.000000, 1.485898, -0.519408, -3.172716, 1.253231 5.X1-sprint category - 1, 1.000000, 1.654301, -1.105238, 0.549156, -2.625821 category - 2, 1.000000, -0.599124, -2.049881, 0.282627, 1.971275 category - 3, 1.000000, -1.119263, 4.627193, -1.133937, 0.161090 6.X2-jump category - 1, 1.000000, -1.328660, 3.971803, -0.322736, -0.814806 category - 2, 1.000000, -0.469602, -2.197752, -1.290870, 3.517068 category - 3, 1.000000, 1.632180, -1.277576, 1.573264, -2.804113 7.X3-throw category - 1, 1.000000, -1.916242, 0.170478, 1.077254, -0.737010 category - 2, 1.000000, 0.054963, -0.246987, -0.072875, 4.850067 category - 3, 1.000000, 1.645538, 0.052979, -0.890504, -3.343870 8.X4-chinup category - 1, 1.000000, -0.294316, 3.580092, -0.943796, 1.019111 category - 2, 1.000000, 0.911991, -2.273769, 1.444405, 3.859834 category - 3, 1.000000, -0.352888, -2.322276, -0.021533, -4.041376 9.X5-enduro category - 1, 1.000000, 0.774640, -1.200931, 1.592366, -2.550920 category - 2, 1.000000, -0.262843, -0.480878, 1.294122, 2.934653 category - 3, 1.000000, -0.701771, 1.857879, -3.032411, 0.517739 weight coefficient matrix of column-variable col. \ factor , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 1.000000, 0.987196, -0.152293, 1.518580, -1.259784 2.two , 1.000000, 0.129939, 1.511009, 0.269764, 1.526498 3.three , 1.000000, -1.575952, -1.292810, 0.148500, -0.165172 4.four , 1.000000, -0.549191, 1.330972, -0.395791, -0.087970 5.five , 1.000000, 1.047595, 0.067174, 1.195137, -2.013495 6.six , 1.000000, 0.426544, 1.565767, -2.268974, -0.508474 , 1.000000, 1.112469, 0.085704, -1.390571, -0.770619 8.eight , 1.000000, 0.252902, 2.283062, 0.181123, -0.579565 9.nine , 1.000000, 0.321058, 0.016914, -0.981650, 1.883751 10.ten , 1.000000, -1.624722, -1.032948, -0.332225, -0.433718 11.eleven , 1.000000, -1.575952, -1.292810, 0.148500, -0.165172 12.twelve , 1.000000, 0.512880, -0.736922, -1.793232, 0.365412 13.thirteen , 1.000000, 0.619138, -0.973383, -0.202430, 1.858425 14.fourteen , 1.000000, -1.771458, 1.050274, -0.484525, -0.553893 15.fifteen , 1.000000, -1.216387, -1.333805, 0.183590, 1.333526 16.sixteen , 1.000000, 0.962508, -0.771570, -0.017460, -0.232629 17.seventeen , 1.000000, -0.508816, -1.176789, -0.495127, 1.165562 18.eighteen , 1.000000, 0.193221, 1.432879, -0.658809, 0.766566 19.nineteen , 1.000000, -0.051209, 1.490702, -0.903683, 0.580514 20.twenty , 1.000000, -0.914611, -1.286287, 0.442976, 0.683962 21.twentyone , 1.000000, -0.386935, 0.913746, 1.296009, -0.256764 22.twentytwo , 1.000000, 1.199638, -0.518773, -0.431750, -1.896778 23.twentythre, 1.000000, 0.249143, 0.494345, 1.283370, 0.904005 24.twentyfour, 1.000000, 1.012462, -0.066898, 1.648323, 0.227636 25.twentyfive, 1.000000, -0.300882, 0.889841, 0.593106, -0.521592 26.twentysix , 1.000000, 0.119781, -0.646920, 1.448048, 0.248299 27.twentyseve, 1.000000, 0.124941, 1.989870, 0.752696, 0.599418 28.twentyeigh, 1.000000, 0.827479, -0.431252, 0.812335, 0.911794 29.twentynine, 1.000000, 0.248072, -0.341050, 1.552250, 1.120921 30.thirty , 1.000000, -1.613920, 0.054588, 0.131813, -1.457131 31.thirtyone , 1.000000, -1.771458, 1.050274, -0.484525, -0.553893 32.thirtytwo , 1.000000, -1.720173, -0.347442, -0.224655, -0.915038 33.thirtythre, 1.000000, 0.951007, -0.180233, 1.772309, 0.528566 34.thirtyfour, 1.000000, -1.771458, 1.050274, -0.484525, -0.553893 35.thirtyfive, 1.000000, 0.877867, -0.851933, -1.439929, 0.148651 36.thirtysix , 1.000000, -1.008122, -1.316959, 0.372084, -0.856248 37.thirtyseve, 1.000000, -1.106549, -1.234235, 0.050323, -0.055175 38.thirtyeigh, 1.000000, 0.688624, -0.531273, -0.398057, 1.497034 39.thirtynine, 1.000000, 1.128248, -0.746973, -1.410314, -0.362138 40.fourty , 1.000000, 1.221237, -0.650120, -1.254959, -1.942403 41.fourtyone , 1.000000, 0.593038, -0.009473, -1.775244, 1.327337 42.fourtytwo , 1.000000, -0.356450, 1.557788, 0.867220, 1.178285 43.fourtythre, 1.000000, 0.975192, -0.398373, -0.622172, -0.802105 44.fourtyfour, 1.000000, 1.164504, -0.652845, 0.021436, 0.344354 45.fourtyfive, 1.000000, 0.987196, -0.152293, 1.518580, -1.259784 46.fourtysix , 1.000000, 0.890367, 0.291479, 0.242536, -0.997082 redundancy coefficient - Re(X/Y), Re(Y/X), cramer coefficient , ReX , ReY , cc , 0.044444444444, 0.076867666600, 0.309478112806 eigen value, ratio contributed, cumulative ratio, chi square, chi probability, degree of freedom factor , eigen , r.c. , c.r. , chi s , prob , freedom all , 1.000000, - , - , 512.495755, 1.000000, 1170 2. , 0.503128, 0.406433, 0.406433, 263.682663, 0.000000, 70 3. , 0.294769, 0.238118, 0.644551, 131.659880, 0.000006, 68 4. , 0.255615, 0.206489, 0.851040, 111.289214, 0.000415, 66 5. , 0.184400, 0.148960, 1.000000, 76.844260, 0.003390, 64