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Numerical / Mathematical Rhythm --

There are roughly two types rhythms in mathematically though, for music only one of them is used.
Two types, those are crystal-structural(periodical) rhythm and quasicrystal-structural rhythm. Quasicrystal Structure is also called aperiodic structure though, that's not random structure but ordered and more evolutional structure in some aspects.

Musical rhythms are two beats and three beats, four beats, eight beats, and so on, which are meaning iteration of simple structural unit.
Quasicrystal structural rhythm in a way of saying is a compounding of two beats and three beats. However it's not iteration of simple units just like the compound time as a musical terminology.
Musical structure is based on simple intenger ration of two and three and so on. Quasicrystal structure is based on the Golden Mean.
-- described below

In this page, I would introduce a software which could generate numerical / mathematical rhythms due to set a numeral.

Rhythms are composed with two tones alfa and beta. These two tones make one layer, and eight layers as maximum could be structured. Each layer and multi-layered structure are compliant with the numeral as a concept. Due to two tones and eight layers the rhythm structure would be created, which has sixteen tones(channels) as maximum.
It uses MIDI as a sound source. Software synthesizers of an operating system and utilities of a sound board, external MIDI devices could be selected. Tone and Note, Velocity of each channel(sixteen tones) individually could be setup as MIDI parameters. And, layer count and tempo could be exchange.

Please play it at first.

numericalRhythm, Numeric Rhythm Generator
last updated on 7th January 2024 since 11th June 2005
Download ver.0.98.03 for Windows x86 -- it may be worked on Windows XP, 7, 8.x, 10 (32 bits)
Download ver.0.98.03 for Windows x64 -- it may be worked on Windows XP, 7, 8.x, 10 (64 bits)
1. Musical Rhythm
2. Plant Evolution
3. Quasicrystal Structure
4. Numeral and Rhythm
chapter1: Usage
1-1. Concept
1-2. Play
1-3. Tone, Note, Velocity
1-4. Save, Restore
chapter2: Layer
2-1. Self-Similarity
2-2. As an Example
2-3. Layer Count
chapter3: Modulation
3-1. Offset
3-2. Layer
3-3. Tone


Two beats, three beats, four beats, eight beats and so on mean iteration of simple structural units.
In a musical score, a note of a beat and count of beats of a bar are wrote at first, as a beat time. This beat time could be around twenty schemes including compound time and odd meter though, basic structure as the rhythm are simple beats as two beats and three beats, four beats.
For an example, 6/8 time is a two beats, in which one beat has three eighth notes.

Quasicrystal rhythm could be in various phrase. --
It would be simple if the quasicrystal rhythm was a compound of two beats and three beats, it's not iteration of simple structural unitss.
f(x) = cos(2 * PI * x) + cos(2 * PI * x / r) -- this formula is a complete expression of the one dimentional quasicrystal structural rhythm. r is the Golden Mean -- r = (1 + Sqr(5)) / 2
After the model of three dimentional atomic arrangement, crystal structure and quasicrystal structure form an orderly pattern, but amorphous does not. In that regard crystal structure and quasicrystal structure are same. In mathematically, musical rhythms are crystal structures. And then how is the quasicrystal structural rhythm?
There is a good metaphor of these comparison in the evolution of the plant.

Here is the Goethe Pflanzen(left picture) which is a vernacular term in Germany because Johann Wolfgang von Goethe researched the plant. It's named Brutblatt which is very primitive plant. A man received offspring of the plant researched by Goethe from Goethe's grandchild, and I got the share. I've cultivated it as a practical matter and I'd surprised at its behaviors which morphology and propagation method are very boorish and primitive. Modern plants are more accomplished, e.g. plants in a flower shop.

About characteristics it creates self-copy at edge of a leaf, i.e. it's monogenetic. All caulomes throw out in same cross shape, and when viewed from above leaves are viewed overlapping. Very folly plant. Modulus operator is 'two' which controls its structure.

Almost advanced modern plants have more complex morphology. A caulome throw out at a point of Fibonacci sequence on logarithmic spire revolved its shaft(right picture). i.e. the Golden Mean. When viewed from above, from any angle, leaves are viewed chaotic and dispersedly. That's a smart way. Its structure is the quasi-crystalline structure.

points as follows
- lighting efficiency
- stabilized structure
- strength (spreading of moment)
- effective utilization of fixed-volume
For all, plants adopted the Golden Mean have a superior structure.

Even a plant had got the complex operator in the evolution. And the Golden Mean is adopted.

The quasicrystal structure was found by Daniel Shechtman in 1982 due to AL-Mn electron diffraction method. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2011. Left picture is the Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystal atom arrangement.

In mathematical terms, two dimentional quasicrystal structure was originated by Roger Penrose in 1974 which was so-called Penrose Tiling. And, the Fibonacci series by Leonardo Filius Bonacci in 12c ~ 13c is one dimentional aperiodical structure.

Right pictures both are the Penrose Tiling.

Comparative materials are crystal and amorphous for grasping what the quasicrystal's aspect due to compare their atom arrangement morphologies. Crystal and quasicrystal structure have long-distance order, amorphous does not.
There is different revolution symmetry between crystal and quasicrystal. Rotationally symmetrical structure of crystal are two, three, four, six (180, 120, 90, 60 degree), and quasicrystal is just five (72 degree) which structure is full of the Golden Mean.

Geometrically, three dimentional quasicrystal structure is just regular icosahedra quasicrystal, two dimentional quasicrystal are regular octagon quasicrystal and regular decagon quasicrystal, regular dodecagon quasicrystal and so on.

In an aside, A software named Bob - Penrose Tiling Generator and Explorer for Windows by Stephen Collins is very interesting which could generate the Penrose Tiling.

I wrote following formula is complete one dimentional quasicrystal structural rhythm : f(x) = cos(2 * PI * x) + cos(2 * PI * x / r), r is the Golden Mean, r = (1 + Sqr(5)) / 2

Due to peg r at two, three..., the formula expresses one dimentional crystal structure which are same as two beats and three beats and so on as musical rhythms. For practical sound, expression is due to two diffent tones. No need to use the trig function but two dimentional gridwork which brings easy calculation.
And, due to peg r at irrational number, it could sound strange rhythm which is not adopted in music.

That's a core part function of this software.

chapter1: Usage

At first, setup the concept (concept numeral) which allows to play sound.
It's just to select or input a numeral. Default selection is the Golden Mean. Other selections are 1.5, 2, 3, Sqrt(2), Sqrt(3), Sqrt(5), e(base of natural logarithm), PI, those are preseted. In case of select "--input--" which allows to input a real number.

Could exchange Tempo. larger number makes faster tempo.

Sets layer count which makes a multi-layer structure.
Both of crystal structure and quasicrystal structure, each tone could be broken up in conformity to its structure. That never disform the structure because the structure has the self-similarity.
Layer 1 is a bottom level and a baseline as sound structure. High-order layer is a larger structure including low-order layers.
Layer will be described below.

Modulation is not the Modulation in musical terminology. It's just a trial function. It exchange (offset) the key of specified note of specified layer and all notes of low-order layers.
Please attention that sound frequency of the specified note changes a lot due to the numerical concept. It might be clear and concise due to try.
Modulation will be described below.

MIDI device selection.
It's possible not only to select software synthesizers but also external MIDI devices.

All setups could be saved as a default except MIDI device.

Since ver.0.95.00, two numerals were added as presets. Those are not existing in a right picture though, (2 + Sqrt(8)) / 2 and (3 + Sqrt(13)) / 2 are the concepted numerals emerged quasi-crystal structure as same as the Golden Mean.

Just click Play bottom. It sounds the rhythm permanently.

Setup Tone and Note, Velocity. For each setup, alpha tone and beta tone, eight layers, totality sixteen tones could be setup.

Those setup are just the General MIDI standard.
Sixteen tones mean to use sixteen channels. It's selected due to instrument names for Tone, due to hex number for Note and Velocity. It might be clear if accustomed in MIDI. It might be better to use decimal number?

All setups could be saved as a default and be saved as a file, be restored from a file.

Of course high-order layers overed spcified layer which set in concept would be ignored.


MIDI setup file could be saved in a favor folder. Sample files exist in a folder named "data" which is located under the install folder. For trial.


chapter 2: Layer

A right picture is a Penrose Tiling which expresses that the structure has a self-similarity. That similarity is existing same as other dimentional structures. And, it's too clear though that the crystal structure has the similarity too.

As for one dimentional quasicrystal structural rhythm, try to apply a generation method of the Fibonacci series. High-order layer has an A tone or a B tone, and apply ABA to A, AB to B as a rule, and tones generated shall be deemed low-order layer. Due to repeat that, generates eight layers from eighth to first.
-- In a practical program, a basic layer (layer 1) is generated due to two dimentional gridwork and sequentially higher-order layers are generated.

Each layer would be completely same structure. Of course comparative dimention distances are different. As for the software, timings of sound (distances of time axis) are different though, all layers sound identificational structural timing.
For an example, on a time axis for an A tone, ABA tones sound as a lower-order layer. However, higher-order layer could not known due to partial lower-order layer.

Layer 4 A B A A B
Layer 5 A B
Layer 6 A
Layer 7 A
Layer 8 A

Layer count is setup among one to eight. In case of one, the software sounds only a basic layer.

Inferentially to the previous table, in case of concepting the Golden Mean, higher-order layers sound rarely. However, that's depending to the numerical concept. Larger real number would make higher-order layers tones sound higher frequently.
-- About that, frequency could be clear due to expansion or due to sound practically.

chapter 3: Modulation

This is not the modulation in musical terminology but just an experimental function.

Exchanges key. That's setup by number based on the General MIDI as same as note setting.

Specifies the layer. That exchanges key of specified tone (alpha or beta) of specified layer and all tones of lower-order layers included to the specified layer. Higher-order layers never draw influence.

Selects alfa or beta as tones. That exchanges key of specified tone (alpha or beta) of specified layer and all tones of lower-order layers included to the specified layer.

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