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It's hard to attach a mirror to a roadbike, --

There are various items in the world.

- a helmet reflects backward to front edge through inner structure
- a small mirror attached to a visor of a helmet
- a small mirror attached to a frame of glasses
- a small mirror attached to side of a helmet

Most practical mirror from those is the helmet which could reflect backward. The helmet for motorcycle is famous which is made in Italy. At first the helmet was developed for bicycle in England. That allows cyclists to view backward as a panoramic image due to lift his/her eyes slightly.
There is no external parts, and is not visible externally. Of course it has a complex structure which could not be made easy by an amature.

Others are all small mirrors for bicycle which would be attached to something around human head as a external part. Why are those small and be located around the head? Perhaps, it's difficult to attach a mirror to a bicycle.
The pros and cons are batted back and forth about those. Cause it could be made by around thirty minutes I tried to make it roughly and to use.
In case of right to use, I would try to re-make it in a polite way. In case of wrong to use, I would think another method.

cycle Mirror
4th March 2008
chapter1: Cycle RearView
1-1. Halfway Velocity
1-2. Sense of Security Part
1-3. Wrong Compatibility
chapter2: Marketed Products
2-1. REEVU
2-2. Helmet Attached
2-3. Glasses Attached
2-4. on Auction
chapter3: Prototyping
3-1. Materials
3-2. Impressions
3-3. Agenda
chapter4: Carefully
4-1. Helmet Attached
4-2. ...
4-3. ...

chapter1: Cycle RearView

As a Viecle which could ride on the traffic flow, there is not so much cases needed to check the rearview. In case of a lane change as an example, It's needed only to check space and bad condition about rearward. Besides, such a viecle attached right visibility mirrors and allows continuous rearview easily.

However, as for bicycle running around 20 ~ 40km/h, backward circumstances should be grasped, various handlings would be required not to block the flow of traffic. That urges cyclist to check backward conditions frequently.
As for me, it's rarely to head on an arterial road though, I feel there are too much reckless cyclists. e.g. round about a parking viecle without rearview.
As a position to drive a car, I feel fear to be blocked by a bicycle without explicit motion.

In principle, That's same as a low volume road and community road.
On those roads I head on middle of traffic lane cause I deal with the possibility of a viecle to fly out from a byway. And I would keep stand aside from a rearward viecle.
In such a case, it's nice to have a mirror which makes large difference of an ease to correspondence and an ease of mind.

Cause its halfway velocity a bicycle have an increased need to grasp road conditions, especially sport typed bicycle. That would be difficult as its position.

It's a lack style to attach many accessories to a roadbike though, security parts should be attached.
I wonder at a lack of sense of security part for the mirror.
According to the road law requirement parts as follows
- head lamp
- tail lamp or reflector
- alarm bell

Normally a head lamp and tail lamp are required except daylight. It's a little opportunity for use alarm bell, besides it would be a violation to use it more than is necessary. As for a mirror, it's peculiar that the mirror is not requirement part considering the traffic situation especially inner city area.

Well, I had attached nothing to my bike except lamps.

A mirror could became widely used if its compatibility had not been so wrong in guessing.

- interruption parking without stand
- few aptitude position as human position
- look bad with aptitude positioning

As a right picture, I tried to attach a mirror to a dropping part of handle which could not be handled.
A movement of sight line is large though it's just momentary action with right visibility of a glass. A right behind would be blind area due to look backward over a kicking leg. There is no viecle closed pass over but viecles far away.

I didn't notice at first, A right behind area could be seen by this mirror due to bend the kicking leg to inside.

got up mounting bracket to brake as a left picture.
That would not disturb to handle under position, barely though.

A mirror could not be dismounted due to get comfortable to use it.

chapter 2: Marketed Products

It appears to get a view in this way.

It's famous as for motorcycle used fullfaced type only with clear aperture at backside. It's normal design except that.

As for a bicycle, could get a panorama view of rearward due to look up the backside of its visor. It's designed central part upheaved back and force though it seems not to be so strange.
As for me, I dislike bicycle helmets and I have no intention to buy it though, it's a revolutionary helmet in guessing.

A clear aperture at backside for bicycle is very small compared to one for motorcycle. It's a question to have enough lightness and wideness.

BELL Metropolis (right picture) could be attached a small mirror to its visor.

16th January 2009
I would introduce a message by Mr. BELL Man.(limitation : open)
I'm using a visor mirror for BELL Metropolis.

I think it's an excellent mirror.
I had driven without the mirro certain period cause I lost the mirror.
And, I had felt anxious without a mirror.
(I bought a same product soon)

While unusing the helmet, the mirror could be bend
and it could be housed in upper side of the visor, that mechanics without interference is good too.

REEVU is also one of products brought my attention though,
It's already disconstructed and it's impossible to get.

That's it as a user impression
Might it be good usability which was planned to attach a mirror.
We exchanged informations about what I had questions e.g. are there mirrors which could be attached both right and left sides of the visor?
- sales both for two sides as the road rule.
- small movement of sight line is a merit
- could exchange view freely due to slight angle one's head
And, except the flip mirror, there are items attached to the helmet e.g. tail lamp, rain shield, winter net (ears pad).

I had received a permission to use a picture as right one.
It has style that a warm light is reflecting. It's a model of several years ago.

It's necessary to see the real thing though it might be another class compared to products due to reference matter.

There is a mirror which could be attached to any helmets.

impressions on internet as follows

- wrong visibly
- interruption
- never use again

- could rearview by slight movement of sight line
- can't without this mirror

It seems a complete opposite. Those all might be truth. It's difficult to imagine how does it see.

It might be right for cyclists without a helmet. It seems to interrupt a normal view cause same level as glasses.

As an attachement, three pins have a nip at a frame of grasses which should be in a rectangle shape as its section.

Its visibility might be same as a mirror attached to a helmet. Impressions on internet are incomprehensible as same.

Those are priced not so expensive.

However, those could be made in a short time as its prototype. I would check the visibility due to make a prototype.

Rather, I would try to make it as my real motive.

I found this on auction. 1780yen

Hand-built? As that, it seems to be tough and to be too heavy. As its explanation, it should be attached closed to ear for stabilization.

It's really heavy as its usage.

In fact it's almost a product priced 100yen as lower picture.

This is a daiso "nobiiiru mirror". There are few goods used this product on auction. e.g. a mirror attached to a cap with a clip.

Perhaps, it could be clear the problem of the weight due to attach to a helmet.

chapter 3: Prototyping

It might be right to use light materials.

As for prototyping, materials were almost cheap ones except for mirror which should be stabilized visibility and be used acrylic mirror.

- cable hanger for attachment
- aluminum wire 1.5mm
- acrylic mirror 50x50mm

Just a prototyping, I used a cable hanger though, it seemed difficult to make an attachment.

An aluminum wire was not right as finished piece, which was too floppy.

An acrylic mirror was right to be used for finished piece with clear view.

As double faced tape of a cable hanger was too strong. I attached it to masking tape on a helmet. There was no different visibilities between both places as front and side of a helmet.

As visibility, it was so good. It could cover wide view easily due to slight angle my head. That was very convenience surprisingly.

Human positioning for a roadbike made its view to look backward over a shoulder.
It's no problem for an ordinal bicycle, but a mirror should be located higher than eyes for a sport typed bicycle cause human positioning would be with the head bent forward.
With that, the mirror would never disturbe a forward view.

This was really excellent than one might imagine.
As for this prototyping, it oscillated slightly and materials should be selections.

wide rearview, out of the way, no needs to attach to a bicycle.


How could I make it good looking?

And I wish to make it quick released.
mount a seating to a helmet, adjustable, quick released, just the thought of it make me to feel too difficult.

By the way, cause I wear a helmet rarely it might be better to make a mirror attached to a glasses.
Thus what's the prototyping though, The helmet used for the prototyping is used for snow board. And I wear it for bicycle on cold days and rainy days.

With that, I couldn't remove a mirror attached to the handle for a while.

chapter 4: Carefully


4-2. ...


4-3. ...


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