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softwares for Psion 5/5mx, 7, Revo, netBook, netPad

numerical analysis
PsiStatsPro package of multivariated analysis
PsiStatsLe package of multivariated analysis, light edition of 'PsiStatsPro'
PsiExp experimental design analysis
PsiFuzzy fuzzy modeling, neural multivariated
artficial life
GenEvol evolutionary genetic arms race simulator
GeneWar genetic arms race simulator
iPDilemma simulator of the iterated prisoner's dilemma
EcoNation emerging language simulator
StratCode arms race by strategy evolution
Foids synchronizing swarm clusters
EcoSys ecosystem as an attractor
GaForm genetic algorithm simulator
artficial mata
PenRhythm one-dimentional Penrose rhythm
data handling
multiLin multi data search system
CsvConv CSV, text convertor
FileHand slight file handling utility
card and board game
RoutCake excellent backgammon for epoc
Napoleon Napoleon card game
for board game
cclock clocking software for board games
CubeLine cube action lines calculator
RateCalc rating calculator for chess and backgammon
SimRace non-contact race simulator
SimTour backgammon tournament simulator
nurie chess phases viewer for positioning evaluation
others (junk-wares)
monme assorting numerals software
julian date calculator
rtc7sys device driver 'CLOCK.SYS' modified for e500 series
rtc7utl clock utility specified to 'RTC-72421' for voguem

links to download pages of Great Applications, few tips, links

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In support of a Symbian OS option for the Psion Teklogix NETBOOK PRO

Welcome to our Softwares

PsiStatsPro ver.5.80
screen shots, download for epoc, purchase and registration
This software is a package of multivariated analysis, consisted of twenty-four analysis-models.
-- with flexible data-handling functions
-- with various methods of each analysis model
-- with various output-statistics of each analysis model

Basal numerical calculations and each mathematical solvimg methods are using high quarity algorithms which drive and push bounds of machine accuracy of Psion #5/5mx, Revo.

There are three ways for importing data. Here in depth

1. from Psion Sheet Application
2. from Psion Data Application file
3. from CSV file (exportable also)

-> Analyse -> LCD, Text File (CSV)

The Software uses Psion-Sheet or Psion-Data file, CSV file for importing data as source.

Variables are able to be selected freely due to 'Exclude' for analyizing data.
Source data imported and Anlyzing data are handled separately, that makes data-mining efficiently. That's very important.
The software output statistics-results to both of LCD and text (CSV) file.
LCD can be scrolled by arrow keys.
The text file can be opened by an editor or viewer program, which could be registred to the software. The text file (statistics results) is conforming to a CSV file format which can be opened by typical Sheet program on a desktop-machine, for making graphics easy as an example.

For viewing a result file, "editor" licenced Symbian is recommended.
sample results, ver.5.80+
(normal mode for digits of figures)
analysis for interval scale
10 fundamental statistics: 1, 2, 3.
11 multiple regression analysis: 1.
11 stepwise methods :1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
12 principal component analysis: 1, 2.
13 canonical component analysis: 1.
14 principal factor analysis: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
15 maximum likelifood method: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
16 discriminant analysis (fisher's/canonical): 1, 2, 3.
17 cluster analysis: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
analysis for categorical scale
20 association measures analysis: 1.
21 quantification 1: 1.
22 quantification 2: 1, 2.
23 quantification 3: 1.
24 three-way log-linear model: 1.
similarity analysis models
32 quantification 4: 1.
33 principal co-ordinates analysis: 1.
non linear models
41 multiple logistic model: 1.
42 exponential Weibull model: 1.
43 propotional hazard model: 1.
non linear regression analysis
52 converting degrees: 1, 2, 3.
53 involution curve: 1.
54 exponential curve: 1.
55 inverse curve: 1.
57 logistic curve: 1.
data files archive (ver.4.10)
result files archive (ver.5.80)

machine epsilon
regarding psion machine epsilon

checking system information
If you had any trouble on running the software, Please send me the text-file named "sysinfo.txt" created by sysinfo which is a slight program for checking machine condition for using PsiStatsPro.
Here is how to generate the text file named "sysinfo.txt"

system required
5/5mx,7,Revo netBook,netPad
PsiStatsPro ver. 4.81+ ver. 4.96+
require: 1,500KB+ 4,000KB+
recommend: 5,000KB+ 14,000KB+

what's new regarding version 5.80
RENEWED EVERYTHING, major as follows:
- renewal interface
- output predictions to LCD and file
- reinforced handling invalid source data
- addition some auxiliary functions
what's new regarding version 5.00
corresponding to netBook & netPad
improvement usage of system memory.
improvement scroll functions.
- corresponding to size of system memory
modification interface, display format and result file format.
- addition wide mode for digits of output figures (normal / wide / fully).
- automatical locating floating-points of output figures.
- output name of variables excluded.
- output numbering with names of variables and samples.
- and so on....
addition functions of importing & exporting CSV file as source data.
addition importing method from Psion Sheet applcation.
length of each source data, which is in Data file, extended to 18 charactors from 16.
what's new regarding version 4.00
architectonic modification.
addition non-linear regression models.
- converting degrees of variables.
- involution curve.
- exponential curve.
- inverse curve.
- logistic curve 1.
- logistic curve 2.
addition following measures to fundamental statistics.
- spearman and kendall's ranking correlation coefficients.
addition following analysis models.
- three-way log-linear model.
- association measures of categorical data.
- principal co-ordinates analysis.
modification of data-handling.
what's new regarding version 3.00
full fundamental statistics.
addition following analysis models.
- stepwise methods.
- cluster analysis.
- quantification-4.
effective coverage of prediction due to significant probability.
- multiple regression analysis, presumption for quantiication 1.
graphical representations.
- residual plotting, component score plotting, survival function.
output discriminant scores.
what's new regarding version 2.00
improvement basal common algorithms, as follow:.
- addition Crout's algorithm for LU-decomposition.
- improvement Tridiagonal QL Implicit, instead of Tridiagonal QL.
addition three non-linear models, as follow:.
- multiple logistic model.
- exponential Weibull model.
- propotional hazard model.
about version 1.00, as a first release
- fundamental statistics.
- multiple regression analysis.
- principal component analysis.
- canonical component analysis.
- principal factor analysis.
- maximum likelifood method.
- fisher's linear discriminant.
- canonical discriminant analysis.
- quantification 1.
- quantification 2.
- quantification 3.
PsiStatsLe ver.2.80
screen shots, download for epoc, purchase and registration
This software is a light-edition of the package of multivariated analysis named 'PsiStatsPro', consisted of fourteen analysis-models (Pro: twenty-four)
-- with flexible data-handling functions
-- with various methods of each analysis model
-- with various output-statistics of each analysis model

Basal numerical calculations and each mathematical solvimg methods are using high quarity algorithms which drive and push bounds of machine accuracy of Psion #5/5mx, Revo.
There are three ways for importing source data, from Sheet & Data Applications of Psion and CSV file. Here in depth

import sheet data csv
The Software uses Psion-Sheet or Psion-Data file, CSV file for importing data as source.

Variables are able to be selected freely due to 'Exclude' for analyizing data.
Source data imported and Anlyzing data are handled separately, that makes data-mining efficiently. That's very important.
The software output statistics-results to both of LCD and text (CSV) file.
LCD can be scrolled by arrow keys.
The text file can be opened by an editor or viewer program, which could be registred to the software. The text file (statistics results) is conforming to a CSV file format which can be opened by typical Sheet program on a desktop-machine, for making graphics easy as an example.

For viewing the result file, "editor" licenced Symbian is recommended.
sample results, ver.2.80+
(normal mode for digits of figures)
analysis for interval scale
10 fundamental statistics: 1, 2, 3.
11 multiple regression analysis: 1.
11 stepwise methods :1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
12 principal component analysis: 1, 2.
13 canonical component analysis: 1.
analysis for categorical scale
20 association measures analysis: 1.
21 quantification 1: 1.
22 quantification 2: 1, 2.
23 quantification 3: 1.
similarity analysis models
32 quantification 4: 1.
33 principal co-ordinates analysis: 1.
non linear models
41 multiple logistic model: 1.
42 exponential Weibull model: 1.
43 propotional hazard model: 1.
data files archive (ver.4.10)
result files archive (ver.5.80)

machine epsilon
regarding psion machine epsilon

checking system information
If you had any trouble on running the software, Please send me the text-file named "sysinfo.txt" created by sysinfo which is a slight program for checking machine condition for using PsiStatsLe.
Here is how to generate the text file named "sysinfo.txt"

system required
5/5mx,7,Revo netBook,netPad
PsiStatsLe ver. 1.81+ ver. 1.96+
require: 1,500KB+ 4,000KB+
recommend: 5,000KB+ 14,000KB+

what's new regarding version 2.80
RENEWED EVERYTHING, major as follows:
- renewed as shareware
- importing data from Psion Sheet Application
- importing data from CSV file
- exporting data to CSV file
- addition Stepwise methods
- addition Quantification-4 analysis
- addition Principal Co-ordinates analysis
- renewal interface
- addition some auxiliary functions
what's new regarding version 2.00
corresponding to netBook & netPad
bug fixed: about registration rarely impossible
- exchange formula for registration codes
improvement usage of system memory.
improvement scroll functions.
- corresponding to size of system memory
bug fixed: about default data folder's path name.
modification interface, display format and result file format.
- addition wide mode for digits of output figures (normal / wide / fully).
- automatical locating floating-points of output figures.
- output name of variables excluded.
- output numbering with names of variables and samples.
- and so on....
length of each source data, which is in Data file, extended to 18 charactors from 16.
about version 1.00, as a first release
common models with interval scale.
- full fundamental statistics.
- multiple regression analysis.
- principal component analysis.
- canonical component analysis.
models with nominal scale.
- association measures.
- quantification 1.
- quantification 2.
- quantification 3.
non-linear models.
- multiple logistic model.
- exponential Weibull model.
- propotional hazard model.
other futures as follows:.
effective coverage of prediction due to significant probability.
- multiple regression analysis, presumption for quantiication 1.
graphical representations.
- residual plotting, component score plotting, survival function.
improvement basal common algorithms, as follow:.
- Crout's algorithm for LU-decomposition.
- improvement Tridiagonal QL Implicit.
GenEvol ver.2.01
download for epoc, free charged software
The software is an evolutionary genetic arms race simulator.

The root of this software is the 'GeneWar'. e.g. The rule succeeds to its one, and its entry data can divert to this softwre.
But there is a great difference.

The software provides a virtual autonomous world with some low level rules. Some individuals, be entried, would do arms race in the world. An individual with a smarter strategy codes, which should be designed, has come to get more vitality and more offsprings. (--- up to here, it's same as the 'GeneWar')

All offsprings(gene codes) would do mutation and would do crossing in accordance with those probabilities when they born from parents codes. Almost mutants die young with their irrarional codes. But rarely few of them adapt to the environment and have come to prosper with unexpected tricky codes.

All gene codes in the world can be saved to a text file, sorted by quantity-ranking or gene-data.
And simulation itself can be saved and to be loaded due to through a binary file with clocking simulation time (since version 2.00).
niche size: 64 x 12, around ten hours, mutant no.2436 is exploding which saving gene data is here
other screen shots

On 'ranking window', ranking top 15 species are always indicated with marked sign and all of out ranking ones are indicated with white square. Then, speccies around 15th often displace their signs.

In short, this is a simulation of the Neo-Darwinism.
GeneWar ver.4.01 (2.00/vogue)
download for epoc, for vogue, free charged software
The software is a genetic arms race simulator.

The software provides a virtual autonomous world with some low level rules(rule for epoc, rule for vogue). Some individuals, be entried, would do arms race in the world. An individual with a smarter strategy codes, which should be designed, has come to get more vitality and more offsprings.

All gene codes in the world can be saved to a text file, sorted by quantity-ranking or gene-data.
And simulation itself can be saved and to be loaded due to through a binary file with clocking simulation time (since version 4.00).
niche size: 64 x 12
other screen shots

-- Rule

The phenomes of all individuals are formed by both of the regulation and the commands.
(regarding commands, please refer to "command.hlp" in depth)

The behaviors of all individuals depend on the commands which are just like an assembly language. That characterizes the individual due to device the combination of the commands, in low level.
But it's not sufficient only to grasp the commands for design the phenome. It's also need to know the regulation which is the relation between the environment and actions of the indivual.
iPDilemma ver.4.00
download for epoc, free charged software
The software is a simulator of the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma.

Its iterated match-up is not one to one, but is a random selection match-up due to geometric rule. That makes simulation to be similar to realistic arms race.

The world has resources which is limitted. Each individual scrambles this resources as their life-energy, through iterated games.
In the early stage, there are few individuals and there are surplus resources in the world. Thus, it's easy to get enough resources for individuals, even if their results of game are low scores, and they could multiply.
In the stabilized stage, there are lots of individuals and there are few surplus resources in the world. Thus, it's difficult to get resources for individuals, and they multiply or dead due to natural-selection.

Simulation itself can be saved and to be loaded due to through a binary file with clocking simulation time (since version 4.00).

There is no other way for fighting against vice except to realize goodwill.

niche size: 64 x 12

Each individual can memorize last phenome and previous phenome. and can observe both of own memories and opponent's memories.
They would decide their current phenome by those.

There are three rules of methods for refering memory.

---- RULE 1 ----
Each individual observes opponent's memory, and refers to opponent's last and previous phenome of opponent's memory.
A strategy seen through opponent's properties could be available.

---- RULE 2 ----
Each individual observes own memory, and refers to opponent's last and previous phenome of own memory.

---- RULE 3 ----
Each indvidual observes own memory, and refers to own last phenome and opponent's last phenome of own memory.

For each rule, there are sixteen types individuals, which strategies are expressived by their simbol-markers equaled their strategy-codes.

Please think regarding each match-up between strategy-codes.

Table of Strategy-codes and Phenomes for Memories
(C: Cooperate, D: Denial)

memories: CC CD DC DD RULE 1 & 2 RULE 3
codes 0000 C C C C all C all C
codes 0001 C C C D soft TFT all C after play C
codes 0010 C C D C major-C all C after play C
codes 0011 C C D D slow TFT all C or all D
codes 0100 C D C C major-C major-C
codes 0101 C D C D TFT TFT
codes 0110 C D D C extream favor random practically
codes 0111 C D D D hard TFT all D after opponent's D
codes 1000 D C C C soft Perversity perversive major-C
codes 1001 D C C D moderation favor random practically
codes 1010 D C D C Perversity Perversity
codes 1011 D C D D major-D all D after opponent's D
codes 1100 D D C C slow Perversity periodical CD
codes 1101 D D C D major-D major-D
codes 1110 D D D C hard Perversity perversive major-D
codes 1111 D D D D all D all D
EcoNation ver.0.70
download for epoc, for vogue, free charged software
This software is a simulation of emerging language and self-organization of language system, due to model after nature.

will be soon distributed. In depth, later ...
StratCode ver.1.03 for vogue
download for epoc, for vogue, free charged software
This software is a simulation of strategic evolution.

It's similar to 'GeneWar' but contrastive. User does just fine tuning its rules of the world, for example just like scores of "prisoner's dilemma"

This software procreates individuals which have random strategy codes at first, and they would be adapted and evolute due to evolutionaly algorithm.

for ver.0.70, roullett rule is used.
for ver.1.03, geographical rule is used, which is realistic policies.
Foids ver.1.00 for vogue
download for epoc, for vogue, free charged software
This software is a simulator of swarm synchronizing as ramdom clusters.

Few simple rules emerge an affluent and complexity cosmos. That's amaging ....
EcoSys ver.0.40
download for epoc, for vogue, free charged software
This software is a simulator of ecological system, as a kind of attractor.

will be soon distributed. In depth, later ...
GaForm ver.3.00 (1.20/vogue)
download for epoc, for vogue, free charged software
The software is a simulator of Genetic Algorithm invented by Dr. John Holland, under various genetic setup.

The software outpts evolutionary states simply due to general opertors of the Genetic Algorithm, as follows:

-- roulette rule, with elite strategy
-- crossover
-- mutation
-- sigmoid transformation for valuation score

Simply, a standard gene would be set for valuation standard, to what all genes will be adopted and will be evaluated.
If multi standard genes would be set, target-adopting will be also multiple and each gene might be confused to evolute. That could be avoided by designing the standard genes and their scores.

Various assignments of parameters could be simulated by exchanging them. It comes to be easy to grasp phenome of the algorithm. For examples,

-- gene length
-- number of genes(individuals)
-- maximum number of generation
-- crossover probability
-- mutation probability
-- number of crossover points
-- ratio of niche for elite strategy
-- sigmoid coeficients
and so on ....
PenRhythm ver.0.10
download for epoc, free charged software
The software is one-dimentional Penrose rhythm. ++numerical rhythms

The software outputs rhythms of numerical modulus. Persistently the main point is the Golden Section, which is quasicrystal-structure.
i.e. That's one-dimentional Penrose tiling rhythm.

I also extended the rhythm (one-dimentional Penrose tiling) to general-purpose numerical rhythm. Intenger-ratio modulus is not fun though.

---- about "Penrose tiling"

The Penrose tiling is a geometric tiling pattern which was deviced by Dr.Roger Penrose, and its features is a quasicrystal-structure. It never repeat.

Two-dimentional Penrose tiling is very famous and multi-dimentional ones are deviced by many dilettantes.

I just made a one-dimentional Penrose tiling as a rhythm.

The software has several presets which are parameters-combinations could be loaded, as follows:

-- Penrose (the golden section)
-- Log Nature
-- Square Root
-- Int Ratio (not fun though...)

multiLin ver.2.00
download for epoc, beta for Revo, free charged software
This software is a multi data search system.

Key and substance are 'one to some' in a normal dictionary. The software on a computer could realize to search as 'one to multi-structure' which clarifies complex hierarchical data structure.

Multi-language homonym and synonym, unicodes search system are just examples.
Major unicode data files are included in the SIS file.
For multi-language system, it's able to handle 'Ergane' language data (must be converted mentioned later). It's also superior compatible with 'Lingo'. If you have no language data files, it's recommended to download them from following urls:

major features are as follows:

<input / outpput data files>
-- multiple output data files (maximum: 14 data files).

<data handling>
-- data files in pleasure folder.
-- description and expression about data file name which are controled by an index-file emerged automatically in the folder.
-- both of 2 and 3 letters supported for data file name (which are able to limix in one folder).

<data file format>
Data file format is supported as follows:
-- 1st field: both of number and text supported, as key-codes.
-- 2nd field: text only.
-- 3rd field: optional text field. shown at status, as descriptions of somewhat.

<search method>
-- allows to use "wild card" '*' at last of key-word.
-- binary search:
-- seauential search:
That selection makes to able to search in both of data files sorted by key-codes and not sorted.

-- scroll function by arrow-keys.
-- key event for interrupting to search
-- exchanges font parameters
-- compacts data files
and so on ...

Unicode. in depth: other screenshots and usage
Ergane data file seems to have more entries rather than Lingo data file. It's possible to limix Ergane data files and Lingo data files into one folder, even if Ergane data filenames are 3 letters.
Recommendation: to use Ergane data files as English, Deutsch, Dutch, French, Italian, Esperanto, Portuguses, Spanish, Swedish. Approximately regarding major language files Ergane data files are larger.

Ergane. in depth: other screenshots and usage ... Ergane data file seems to have more entries rather than Lingo.
Lingo. in depth: other screenshots and usage ... A word has multiple means.

Unicode data files as follows:
package for multiLin 1st release (4th Feb 2004)
iso-8859-01, -02, -03, -04, -05, -06, -07, -08, -09, -10, -11, -13, -14, -15, -16.
cp(windows)-1250, -1251, -1252, -1253, -1254, -1255, -1256, -1257, -1258.
sjis-0201, sjis-0208, jis-0208, jis-0212, shift_jis.

Ergane data files as follows:
package for multiLin (7th Mar 2004)
Afrikaans, Albanian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Old-English, Esperanto, Faeroese, Finnish, French, Frisian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Malay, Norwegian, Papiamento, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Scottish-Gaelic, Spanish, Sranan-Tongo, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Yucatec, Zulu.

Lingo data files as follows:
package for multiLin (4th April 2005)
Arabic, Bemba, Catalan, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English, Esperanto, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Luxembourgish, Latin, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish.

what's new regarding ver.2.00
RENEWED EVERYTHING, major as folows:
- allows to use wild-card "*"
- adding interruption key event
- renewal interface
- adding some auxiliary functions
- conforming to Revo as beta version.
what's new regarding ver.1.11
3 letters supported for data file name.
- be able to limix both of 2 and 3 letters file name in one folder.
- checking uids for data file for automatical selection.
expanding to 14 output data files from 5, as max limitation.
bug fixed: in the case no data file in the folder selected.
major features about version.1.00 as a first release
multiple output data files.
handling data files by pleasure folder.
selectable sequential search and binary search supported.
data file format supported as follows:.
- 1st field: both of number and text supported, as key-codes.
- 2nd field: text only.
- 3rd field: shown at status, as descriptions of key-codes.
description and expression about data file name.
flexible search mode configuration.
scroll function by keys (PgUp, PgDn) and button.
CsvConv ver.2.00
download for epoc, free charged software
The software is a slight convertor with poor functions, but peculier functions.

It might be useful for users who often handles csv files and sheet files on both of desktop and Psion. Besides, if two-bytes charactors are used on, this would be precious in guessing.

Features as follows:

<add / erase quotation marks>
Adds or Erases quotation marks in fields selected. That makes easy to be shared by different sheet applications.

<exchange form of intenger>
Exchanges forms intenger selected to decimal or heximal.

<weed out accents of charactors>
Weeds out accents of charactors in any text file (e.g. conbert 'E to 'e').

CsvConv is a free-charged software but needs to be registred. Please send me an e-mail with 'sysinfo.txt' created by sysinfo.opo, I will send-back a registration codes. Here is how to generate the text file named "sysinfo.txt"
FileHand ver.2.00
download for epoc, free charged software
This software is a slight files-handling utility.

The software has few features, as follows:
1. exchanges few attributes of files, as functions.
2. three stratum-structures for selecting files.
3. registres five pathes as alternative folders for selecting files quickly.

1. poor functions
The software has poor functions as follows:
-- renames filename to lower charactors
-- renames filename to upper charactors
-- exchanges date-stamp
-- compacts data-files

2. stratum-structures for selecting files
It's able to be selected three stratums for selecting files, as follows:
-- one file pointed
-- files in one folder selected
-- files in a folder selected and its sub-folders

3. registres alternative folders for selecting files
Five folder pathes (as maximum) are able to be registred as alternative folders.
RoutCake ver.0.70
download for epoc,
This software plays backgammon money games and matches.

Strength of current version is presumed around 1700-1750 Rating on FIBS due to estimation by GNU Backgammon software, which background is Research Ratings Correlations on FIBS.
I know its defect and I have an intention to make the software 1900+ Rating on FIBS.

will be soon distributed. In depth, later ...

Napoleon ver.3.00
download for epoc, free charged software
The software is a Napoleon card-game in a local style developed to be one of strategic card-games.
Its prototype game is the Nap. But in substance it's close to the contract bridge.

Please refer RULE in the help file which explains in depth.

sreen shot
other screen shots
cclock ver.3.00
download for epoc, free charged software
This is a clocking software for board games, so-called Chess Clock.

The software has three modes: "chess etc." and "backgammon +dices", "backgammon +cube-action", which are adopted to each regulation and has more features than the chess clock, as follows:

<time odds - all modes>
Could setup diffrent possession time and incremental time for each player.

<automatical roll-dices - backgammon modes>
Rolls dices in turning automatically on +dices mode. On +cube-action mode, when a player has a right of cube it could be selected to roll dices or doubling cube.
Its randomizing function is coded as "minimal standard generator and hashing with double system (by Knuth)" which is almost equal to phisical randomizing.

<cube action - +cube-action mode>
Composed cube action as one system with roll-dices, on +cube-action mode.

<scoring at time-out - backgammon modes>
Adds points to opponent when a player is out of time. The player gets several minutes instead of the lost points. That's conforming to world-wide backgammon regulation by default values, which could be exchange on preference though.

<others - all modes>
Pause, Switch Locations, Scoring, and so on.
chess mode

backgammon mode with cube and dices
CubeLine ver.4.00
download for epoc, win32, free charged software
The software calculates right lines for doubling-cube-actions which are 'double / non-double', 'accept / decline', 'too good'.
It has two steps as follows:

<First Step>

Makes a match game.
So the match-table is setup due to input following parameters:
-- match length
-- constant game winning probability
-- constant game gammon probability
-- constant game backgammon probability

Three constant game probabilities (or players' ratings conforming to FIBS) are needed both of player and opponent. That means to able to setup as a match between different classes.
Constant game winning probability is able to be calculated by ratings conformed to FIBS, GamesGrid.

<Second Step>

due to input following parameters:
-- scores (aways)
-- cube value
-- current game gammon probabilities
-- current game backgammon probabilities

current game probabilities are needed both of player and opponent.
So the software would putout cube-action lines as follows:
-- double lines
-- accept lines
-- too-good lines

Each line means current game winning percentage.
If it's presumpted to be over the lines, it's better to double for double line. In the case to be made to double, it's better to accept the double for accept line. It's better to get gammon (not to double) for too-good line.

calculating cube action lines

Please visit my page 'cube action line calculation' and 'score mind' which explaine procedures of Cube Action in depth.
RateCalc ver.3.00
download for epoc, free charged software
This software is a rating calculator for board games.

The software has six criterias (formulas) for rating calculation for board games, Chess and Backgammon, and so on.
It's able to select one of criterias (formula) which are comforming to following comformations or sytems:

That might be enough to calculate ratings for whole of board games.

-- USCF (http://uschess.org/)
-- FIDE (http://www.worldfide.com/)
-- FICS (http://www.freechess.org)

<Chess and Checkers, reversi, and so on>
-- Elo System, due to 'given K'

-- FIBS (http://www.fibs.com)
-- GamesGrid (http://www.gamesgrid.com)

probability to ratings

ratings to probabilities

It has two methods for calculation as follows:

<Rate to Prob>
One is calculating variances and expectations (winning probabilities) of a certain match-up, due to input pre-game ratings of the players.

<Prob to Rate>
Another is calculating requistic difference between player's rating and opponent's rating for given expectation (winning probability)

SimRace ver.3.00
download for epoc, free charged software
The software is a non-contact simulator of backgammon, which predicts winning-probabilities under specific pips due to statistics simulated lots of games.

Multiple assortments of pips can be setup 1010 as maximum assortments, and each assortment can be simulated 32767 games as maximum frequency.

The software might be a junk-ware, but the statistics as results are useful to analyse the counting method regarding winning probabilities of non-contact race.

plz refer to sample result 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
SimTour ver.2.00
download for epoc, free charged software
The Software is a simulator of backgammon world class tournament, which might be a junk-ware but,
I wish to know relational statistics between rating and conditions of world class tournaments.

Tournament configulations are able to be setuped freely as typical world tournament, which parameters are as follows:
-- entrant number
-- rating (*1) ratio of entrant. i.e. level
-- match length
-- event number (main, consolation, last chance)
-- prize number for each event
-- frequency of the simulation
and so on ...

(*1) Rating
Regarding the rating, that's based on FIBS (http://www.fibs.com).
(GamesGrid adopts its criteria also)

Each player's match-up result depends on the probability which is calculated due to ratings and match-length.

Statistics as simulation results are outputed to both of LCD and a file.
On LCD schema statistics are indicated. To a file statistics in depth are able to be writed.

Statistics items are as follows:
-- winning probabilities of each class and prize
-- minimum rating of each prize
-- maximum rating of each prize
-- mean rating of each prize
-- prized ratings records of all frequencies

If you have an intention to entry the backgammon world class tournaments, the software would help you to find advantageous conditions of the tournament.

plz refer to sample result 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
nurie ver.0.70 for win32
download for win32, free charged software
Chess software for auxiliary appraise phase. Incompletion at any rate. It could be expressive of moving of work spaces by pieces. I hope it help us to grasp phases.
monme ver.3.00
download for epoc, free charged software
The software does just assort multi numerals. It just devides multi numerals into two groups in random order. I know that the software is a junk-ware.
As for me it's very usefull for deviding mates into two teams of relay-chess, relay-backgammon, contract-bridge.

The name 'monme' has come from 'hanaichi-monme' which is a japanese ancient game for chirdren. That is scrambling for mates between two groups.
Julian ver.0.70
download for epoc, free charged software
This software does just calculate date number. e.g. Julian Day

Here is source codes for calculating julian day number in the style of C language.
rtc7sys ver.1.00 for e500
download for e500, open source
Copyright (c) 1992 - 1999 N.Kon, 1999 ArsLab

This software is the clock device driver modified for specific RTC named 'RTC-72421' and 'RTC-62421'.

It conforms to the device driver named "CLOCK.SYS" which was programmed by N.Kon and had come to be a defact standard clock device driver for #E500.

"RTC-72421" and "RTC-62421" are later chip and is sophisticated also.

Needless to add, that's for old-fanatic users ....
rtc7utl ver.1.00 for voguem
download for vogue on e500, open source
Copyright (c) 1998 ArsLab

This software is a utility specified for RTC named 'RTC-72421' and 'RTC-62421'.

If you were going to install the clock IC, this software would be useful. If you would need the circuit in depth, please see extension the hardware

please post any impressions you may have

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